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Literature courses are all about two things: reading and writing well-nigh what you've read. It's difficult enough to understand smashing pieces of literature, never mind analyze them.

But you're in luck:

This article by Custom Writing service experts presents a list of the most interesting and creative literary analysis topics. It volition help you with the first step towards choosing a keen literary essay topic.

  1. 🔝 Top x Literature Essay Topics

  2. ✍️ General Tips for Writing Well Almost Literature

  3. 🔮 Tiptop 10 Literary Analysis Essay Topics

  4. 🖋️ Writing Perfect Shakespeare Essays

  5. 💡 Keen Ideas for Other Literary Analysis Essay Prompts in Non-Fiction

  6. 🔍 Finding the Best Topic Literary Analysis Paper Topics in the Classics

  7. 💪 Powerful Literary Assay Topics Inside the Subject of Race

  8. 🗄 Profound Literary Assay Topics in Women'due south Literature

  9. 👓 Mastering Topics in 19th and 20th Century Literature

  10. ⭐ Excellent Themes and Topics for Analysis of Poetry

  11. 👍 Finding the Best Topics in Contemporary Literature

  12. 💀 Death, Eternal Questions with No Answers

  13. 👹 The Good, the Evil, and the Ugly

  14. 🇬🇧 English language Literature Topics

  15. 🔴 Geoffrey Chaucer, the Patriarch of the English Literature

  16. 🔵 William Shakespeare, the Timeless Master

  17. ⚫ John Keats, the Romantic of the Nation

  18. ⚪ Oscar Wilde, the Major Aesthete of the English Literature

  19. 🔳 George Orwell and His Views on the Lodge

🔝 Summit x Literature Essay Topics

  1. The role of religion in King Lear

  2. Milk symbolism in Beloved

  3. Is there gender inequality in Iliad?

  4. Social issues of A Little Lucifer Girl

  5. Gender roles in The Bang-up Gatsby

  6. Frankenstein: historical background

  7. How is loyalty presented in Beowulf?

  8. Rose symbolism in A Rose for Emily

  9. Political symbolism in Titus Andronicus

  10. The presentation of power in Ozymandias

✍️ General Tips for Writing Well About Literature

But beginning:

Before delving into the great topics and themes of this article, information technology'southward important to annotation some ground rules for writing about literature. Here are iii very bones points that will help to make sure you get a great class on your essay:

  1. Brand sure you refer to the literature you are writing about in the proper format. For example, the titles of plays and full-length books should be italicized while poems and curt stories should be in quotes.

  2. If your essay contains quotes, make sure that those quotes are properly attributed with the correct page numbers and lines. (Ask your instructor to make sure you are formatting these quotations correctly.)

  3. Do non directly quote or borrow arguments from a previously published literary analysis sample. Often, teachers encounter the same forms of argument (and fifty-fifty language) again and again. This is a form of plagiarism.

Plagiarism definition.

One last thing:

Earlier moving on to the topics covered by this article, recall that the basics of essay writing are merely every bit important in this style of an essay as any other. This means you lot demand a clear introduction (with a concise thesis statement), a distinct trunk, and a cohesive determination. You lot can try and utilize an essay shortener for that to salve time. If yous can practice this in a 5 paragraph essay, you can certainly practise this for much longer essays equally well. Don't go sloppy with your essay structure just because you have a few more than pages to express yourself. So make certain y'all use a literary analysis essay outline!

(If all else fails, attempt watching a video on literary analysis writing.)

🔮 Top ten Literary Assay Essay Topics

  1. Nature symbolism in Young Goodman Dark-brown

  2. Babyhood trauma in God Assist the Child

  3. The consequences of Macbeth'southward ambition

  4. The historical context of The Scarlet Letter

  5. Presentation of misery in The Chimney Sweeper

  6. The supernatural in The Fall of the House of Usher

  7. What does Dorian Gray's portrait represent?

  8. How is the truthful inner self discovered in Demian?

  9. Natural beauty in I Wandered Alone as a Cloud

  10. Endurance as a theme of The Old Man and the Body of water

🖋️ Literary Analysis Essay Topics on Shakespeare's Plays

If you're an English student, you will study the works of William Shakespeare, which is why this article begins with a list of foolproof Shakespeare essay topics. How many Romeo and Juliet essays have been written? There've been too many to count. Is at that place a unique Shakespeare love essay topic left? Surely, at that place isn't. Just still in that location are thousands of Shakespeare essay examples written every solar day by students around the world. The key to writing a Shakespearian quality essay tin can exist found in this list of Shakespearian literary analysis essay topics.

(Past the manner, yous can find all of Shakespeare's works on the internet for free.)

The first reference to

Unlocking the superlative Romeo and Juliet essay topics and themes

  1. Romeo and Juliet essay examples tin be found all over the cyberspace. Here are some of the height Romeo and Juliet themes and topics.

    • Fate in Romeo and Juliet: We all know that Romeo and Juliet were the archetypal star-crossed lovers. Throughout the text of this famous work, Shakespeare makes it quite articulate that their dearest is doomed by fate.

    • Lite and nighttime in Romeo and Juliet: Both light and night, equally well every bit the more than general concept of contrasts, effigy heavily into the language of this play. Romeo himself is the embodiment of someone containing contrasting elements.

    • Time in Romeo and Juliet: Romeo visits Juliet in the course of the night, promising to return in the future. And all this occurs in a play that spans less than a week's time. For this reason, the theme of fourth dimension is usually discussed in the context of how brusque our time truly is.

    • Dearest in Romeo and Juliet: But of course, dear is the ultimate theme of Romeo and Juliet. The tragic love of this pair has become a cliché for romantic fatalism for a very good reason. Love is possibly the number 1 topic of Romeo and Juliet essay prompts.

The famous balcony scene Shakespeare.
  1. Shakespeare's Village may be the 2d most widely assigned play in the history of English courses. Appropriately, here are the top Hamlet essay topics.

    • Mortality in Village: Here is your spoiler alert—the title characters of nearly William Shakespeare'southward major works exercise not survive. And Hamlet is no exception. Every bit you read this play, pay special attention to the characters that die and those, like Yorick, who died before the play began.

    • Women and misogyny in Hamlet: In the time in which the play is fix, women were not treated very well in social club. Characters similar Gertrude and Ophelia are not treated well in the play, and they are an excellent prism through which to consider the place of women in society.

    • Madness in Hamlet: The platitude "method to his madness" is derived from this classic play. This is a great topic or theme for whatever student reading Village.

Hamlet has been translated into Klingon.
  1. Shakespeare's Macbeth is the last (and shortest) of the iii big Shakespearean plays that every high school student reads earlier graduation. Similar the rest of William Shakespeare'due south tragedies, it is full of meaningful themes and topics for literary analysis essays.

    • The corrupting influence of ambition in Macbeth: The championship character is on a quest, and throughout the play he fourth dimension and again decides that the ends justify the means. Alternatively, you can explore how Lady Macbeth does precisely the same thing in pursuing her goals.

    • Witchcraft in Macbeth: The 3 witches' prophecies famously propel Macbeth to take action. Still, many essays have been written on the supernatural element of Lady Macbeth sleepwalking. (By the way, Lady Macbeth herself is 1 of the all-time Macbeth essay topics.)

Lady Macbeths real name was Gruoch and Macbeth's real name was Mac Bethad Mac Findlaich.

But look, there'due south more:

Shakespeare wrote many more plays beyond the big 3 listed above. Here are a couple more than topics and works that testify of the range of William Shakespeare.

  1. Shakespeare's King Lear is one of the longest works by the Bard. (This is another name for Shakespeare, past the manner.)And Rex Lear is filled with great essay topics. Many actors feel that the title role is one of the nigh challenging bachelor for an actor because of his gradual descent into madness. Accordingly, "madness" is perhaps the all-time topic related to this play.

  2. Shakespearean sonnets like "Sonnet 18" make excellent Shakespeare essay topics because they are so succinct, but then rich with meaning. Love and admiration, which are expressed in "Sonnet 18" and throughout his other sonnets, are great critical analysis essay topics. Use Shakespearean sonnets equally an opportunity to prove off how many poems you can analyze in a single literary analysis example.

Shakespeare's works overall have been translated into more than 100 languages.

This listing only scratches the surface, so check out literary analysis sample essays on Shakespeare written past professionals. There are enough of excellent essay collections available on the web.

💡 Literary Analysis Topics in Non-Fiction

The world of literature goes far beyond William Shakespeare and fiction in general. Here is a bunch of more literary analysis paper topics for other nifty works of literature.

  1. Elie Wiesel'south classic memoire of the holocaust Night is a hard book for many students to read. And yet, nigh students demand to write a Night by Elie Wiesel essay at some indicate. (If you need assistance with specific Night essay questions and answers, check out 1 of the many resources on the book.) In fact, many students need to write one Nighttime by Elie Wiesel essay in high school and another in higher. Every decent Night analysis essay should touch on the key themes challenged religious faith and the inhumanity of people towards others.

  2. Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild chronicles the journey of 22-twelvemonth-former Christopher McCandless from modern society into a 2-year trip in the wilderness of the western United States. This piece of work of non-fiction explores the themes of escape, society, and the power of nature. (Alarm: things do non end well for McCandless along the Stampede Trail of Alaska.)


There is a lot of great nonfiction. Only most great books assigned in English language courses are fiction. Read on to learn how to write essays for slap-up pieces of fiction.

🔍 Literary Assay Topics in the Classics

Works of literature from Ancient Greece take a timeless quality. This has kept them taught in our educational arrangement for thousands of years. With thousands of years to digest them, there is little that hasn't already been written nearly these works.


Keep the scope of your essays on the classics somewhat modest.But be sure to consult other sources if you're confused.

  1. Plato is perhaps the nigh influential thinker in the Western World. Accordingly, it is not an easy job to write about his powerful philosophical tomes. Most teachers will assign only portions of The Republic, so it is important to approach essays about them carefully.

  2. "Antigone" is i of the masterworks of the Greek playwright Sophocles. The key themes to explore in this tale of majestic succession include civil defiance, natural and man law, and faithfulness.

💪 Powerful Literary Assay Topics Within the Subject of Race

An exceptional amount of writing has been devoted to the subject of race. Here are a few of the well-nigh important works on this controversial topic.

  1. J. M. Coetzee'southward Waiting for the Barbarians is a powerful volume. (Information technology earned its author from S Africa a Nobel Prize in Literature.) A short Waiting for the Barbarians summary should capture the narrative of the escalation of tensions between a fictional colonial town and its surrounding ethnic population. When the protagonist helps a native woman, he begins to incertitude the humanity of colonialism, another of the key Waiting for the Barbarians themes that should be explored in any Waiting for the Barbarians analysis.

Penguin Books named Waiting for the barbarians for its series
  1. Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness is the spooky tale of young Marlow's voyage up the Congo River. At that place he meets the wicked ivory trader Kurtz. The book explores the themes of imperialism and racism. It also questions the civility of Western lodge over supposedly brutal ethnic people.

  2. Mark Twain is one of the great American writers and satirists. Just his masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn delved into themes and topics that are amidst the nearly serious of any literary analysis essay topics. These include freedom versus slavery and man versus nature.

  3. Harper Lee's To Impale a Mockingbird was an instant classic. Similar many keen books of the 20th century, To Kill a Mockingbird is ready in the American South. And like many books fix in the American South, it explores the themes of race and justice. (Note: this volume is total of amazing quotes that can be used to motivate your essay.)

🗄 Profound Literary Analysis Topics in Women's Literature

Literary assay on the topics of gender and women in social club is critical to understanding the modern world. Here are a few powerful essay topics in this area.

  1. Alice Walker is one of the bully literary figures of the 20th century. She's written many notable books and stories. But two of her works rise above the residue, and are referenced by more than i literary analysis sample online.

    • The Color Purple is Walker's most famous piece of work. This National Book Award-winning work features the themes of sexism, racism, and the disruption of traditional gender roles. (This book is non for the faint of heart. There are many vivid depictions of violence contained in this cultural touchstone for African American women.)

    • Alice Walker'southward second most noted piece of work is the short story "Everyday Utilise." In this brusque story almost heirloom possessions passed down from 1 generation of women to another, the author explores the themes of family and differences betwixt generations.

Alice Walker won Pulitzer prize.
  1. Despite her brief life, Jane Austin was one of the nigh important literary figures of the 19thursday century. Few authors were equally talented every bit her. And even fewer dared to express the challenges of existence a woman at the cease of the 1700s. In her work, themes of overt sexism are non every bit common as themes of women working to secure firm places in club.

    • Social standing and wealth are the two central themes of one of Austen'southward nigh dearest novels, Pride and Prejudice. In this book, the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet must choose between 2 suitors. One is a personable human being. The other is ameliorate established in club, though less kind.

    • Emma is the tale of a young woman who's less interested in securing her ain wedlock than those of her sisters. The key themes of this novel are the constraints placed upon women in 17th century society besides equally spousal relationship and social status.

Jane Austens official works.

👓 Literary Essay Topics: 19thursday and 20th Century

Don't forget:

Many of the great literary works in the English language language were written in the gilt era of the 19th and twentyth centuries. These works, ranging from epic novels to curt poems, provide insight into the themes that accept come to define the spirit of the Anglophone world.

  1. At that place is no more than famous detective, fiction or real, than Sherlock Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. "The Risk of the Speckled Band" contained in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is the favorite Holmes story of both the author and readers. Appropriately, many students are assigned literary analyses of this short story, which explores the themes of anarchy equally well equally good versus evil.

  2. Students of all ages have read Lord of the Flies, the classic novella by William Golding that explores the dangers of groupthink and the conflicts between rationality and irrationality also as between morality and immorality. How the characters, a group of young boys marooned on an island, struggle to survive is an allegory of modern order.

  3. William Goldman's The Princess Helpmate was such an entertaining story that it was adjusted into an even more popular pic. The major themes explored in this book include the power of honey to conquer all and the arbitrary nature of time and history.

  1. D. H. Lawrence is ane of the masters of twentyth century English language literature, and the short story "The Rocking Horse Winner" demonstrates his skill likewise equally whatsoever of his works. In this tale of a struggling family, the themes of money and greed are most fully explored, every bit a young male child uses clairvoyance gained on a rocking horse to predict race outcomes.

  2. The American author John Steinbeck captured the hardships faced by normal people during the Smashing Depression. His novella Of Mice and Men is a classic tale of struggle. The chief recurring theme amidst the characters is striving after dreams, frequently futilely, every bit demonstrated by each of the characters, from George and Lennie to Processed and Curley's wife.

John Steinbeck of
  1. Playwright Tennessee Williams's masterpiece "A Streetcar Named Desire" is maybe the most famous American dramatic play of all time. In this provocative play, the themes of reality and fantasy in conflict also every bit the contemporary dependence of women on men are explored.

⭐ Literary Analysis Essay Topics: Poetry

Many of the cracking works of literature are really poems. Writing about poems requires a special arroyo.

Continue in mind:

Most essays on poetry actually exceed the length of the poems themselves. Accordingly, don't be afraid to quote the poem heavily and give several alternative interpretations.

  1. The brusque-lived American poet and author Stephen Crane wrote the acclaimed American Ceremonious State of war novel The Red Badge of Courage. But he also wrote a collection of poems entitled War is Kind. Through these poems, he delved deep into the themes of war and violence based on his experience in the Spanish–American and Greco–Turkish Wars.

  2. At the contrary stop of the poesy spectrum you can observe the Elizabethan-era Englishman John Donne. His works were largely written in the form of sonnets focused on the themes of love, social criticism, decease, and organized religion.

👍 Contemporary Literature Essay Topics

Only recollect:

First-class books are still existence written! Once in a while, your instructor may inquire you to analyze a more contempo work. Hither are a few great books to consider for your next essay.

  1. Sherman Alexie'southward novel Reservation Blues tells the story of a group of young men on a Spokane Indian reservation who obtain the enchanted guitar of a legendary bluesman. This volume explores many themes of Native American life likewise as overcoming obstacles and poverty.

  2. Montana 1948 past Larry Watson is a novella set in the Western American land of Montana, where a boyfriend'south family struggles to survive. The book explores the themes of loyalty, justice, and family unit obligations.

  3. In Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones, the protagonist Susie dies a vehement death. And and then her spirit proceeds to sentinel over the investigation of her disappearance and her family members' lives. The key themes of this book are mortality, justice, and grief.

  4. Last but non least, you may want to write well-nigh 1 of the volumes of the Harry Potter serial by J. M. Rowling. But recollect, when you write about a volume that also became a movie, actually read the book! (And most chiefly, don't confuse the 2. It'south an easy style to convince your teacher that you didn't read the book, even when you did.

📃 Literary Analysis Topics: Other Ideas

Literary essays can exist devoted to the assay of a item work of literature or accept a more narrow telescopic. Literature topics may also include textual analysis essays, critical response essays, literary interpretations, topic analysis, etc. Here are some expert topics:

  1. The progress of the major grapheme in David Copperfield (or whatever other character). You may write an analytical essay describing and interpreting changes in the major graphic symbol. Try to exist precise, provide examples and show the significance of those modifications (e.grand. the development of Soames in The Forsyte Saga).

Quote by Charles Dickens:
  1. Historical context assay of WWI literary works (or any other period). Your analysis paper can be devoted to the settings of the brusk story, play, verse form, or novel. Brand emphasis on the role of the context in explaining the characters and the key ideas (e.g., the state of war settings in Gone with the Air current).

  2. Analysis of Romanticism conventions (or any other genre). Some other good choice is to dwell upon the practices used past various authors belonging to one and the same literary genre. You can write a critical essay about the Realistic, Romance, Gothic, or any other novel and the author'due south ability to see or challenge genre expectations.

Romanticism definition.
  1. The impact of the Byron's life on his legacy (or another author). The groundwork of a novelist, short-story writer, poet, or playwright may also exist of a great involvement to the reader. However, it is not enough to characterize the author's life – you must be able to connect it with their style and themes (the virtually demonstrative assay examples may include Henry Miller, Ernest Hemingway, George Gordon Byron, etc.)

  2. Comparative analysis of Joyce and Woolf (or any other two authors). It is also a good idea to compare two or more authors. A disquisitional evaluation essay may approximate the impact of each on the development of the genre. If these authors come up from different backgrounds, information technology is as well possible to estimate how culture they belonged to fabricated a difference (east.g. Dickens v. Thackeray).

Starting a critical evaluation essay isn't just about presenting your opinion.
  1. Comparative analysis of two works of literature. If you cannot compare authors, you may endeavor it with literature developing the aforementioned topic or belonging to the same epoch or genre (e.thousand. Canterbury Tales five. Decameron).

  2. When you want to write about modernistic literary pieces, the emphasis can be fabricated on their unique structure. Analysis topics may include the stream-of-consciousness technique, theater of the absurd peculiarities, etc. The idea is to bear witness how new expressive ways transformed the traditional arroyo to plot building and character development.

  3. Irony in Salinger's stories (or any other stories). If yous are to analyze a brusque story, yous may describe how the author uses irony to communicate his/her bulletin, how information technology creates meaning, and what underlies it. There are numerous stories that employ irony as the major tool (e.grand. Jerome K. Jerome' stories).

  4. The climax in To Impale a Mockingbird (or any other novel). Describing how the author builds up the plot to achieve the culmination is a good solution for a novel critical analysis essay. Track how the tension is created in the entanglement and how information technology is released as soon every bit the climax is reached.

To Kill a Mockingbird, a novel by Harper Lee won the pulitzer prize in 1961.
  1. Mood expression in Sons and Lovers (or any other novel). A perfect essay may investigate how the vocabulary and grammar chosen past the author contribute to the atmosphere (due east.g. Lolita).

  2. The role of dialogue in Waiting for Godot (or any other play). In a play, information technology is advisable to pay attention to the role of a dialogue. Your critical newspaper may highlight what means the playwright resorts to in order to make the dialogue expressive (e.g. Oscar Wilde'due south plays).

  3. The writer's remarks in Heartbreak House (or whatever other play). You may too pay attention to the importance of the author's remarks and scene directions in a play. They are particularly crucial in the modern drama (eastward.g. Waiting for Godot).

  4. The use of apologue in the Vision of Judgment (or any other poem).This is a promising topic (peculiarly for poem analysis). Y'all can advise your own literary interpretation of the allegory or consider why the author opted for this device.

  5. The open ending in Finnegans Wake (or any other novel). If the work under analysis has an open up ending, your critical evaluation essay can be built around it, giving arguments for the author'due south pick and interpreting its meaning and possible continuation scenarios.

History of the
  1. Comparison of disquisitional opinions on Missis Dalloway (or whatever other novel). If the piece you have read ranges among the best-known works in the globe, a expert idea would be to compare literary criticism examples. Y'all may select two unlike critics and juxtapose their views.

  2. Side characters in Vanity Fair (or any other novel). When the task is to analyze a character, it should not necessarily be the major 1. A more creative arroyo would exist to pick up a static graphic symbol that does non reveal any transformations during the entire volume and propose why the author made him then (a good essay case is any of Dickens' side characters).

William Makepeace Thackeray quote.
  1. The narrative voice in When I Lay Dying (or whatsoever other novel). Information technology can exist challenging and all the same interesting to describe the narrative voice and focalization techniques as they make the reader run across the events in a certain way. This is especially complicated when there are several focalization points (Absalom! Absalom!).

  2. The narrator in Moby Dick (or any other novel). The above-given topic can exist narrowed: Y'all tin consider a work that has a start-person point of view to be able to draw parallels betwixt the author and his/her chief character.

  3. The cultural background of Duma's novels. In cases of historical novels, an analytical paragraph (or even the whole work) may be devoted to the historical and cultural groundwork (any of Duma's novels – e.g. Three Musketeers – may serve as perfect literature examples).

  4. Imagery used by Walt Whitman (or any other poet). Poesy welcomes talking nearly imagery of a poem or a poet. You lot tin can analyze specific images that the poet utilizes in all his works.

👥 Literary Essay Topics on Gender

  1. The depiction of Cleopatra: from Geoffrey Chaucer to Margaret George

  2. The delineation of Eve in Milton's Paradise Lost

  3. Archetypical female and male characters in Beowulf

  4. Emmy's submissiveness and Rebecca's quick-wittedness in Vanity Fair

  5. William Makepeace Thackeray's Becky Sharp as an antihero

  6. Becky Sharp every bit seen by Thackeray's contemporaries and modern readers

  7. Women empowerment and dependence in Jane Austen'due south novels

  8. Females' love and expiry: Shakespeare'southward Ophelia and Wilde's Sibyl

  9. A Room of One's Own: female manifesto relevant now

  10. Start female voices in the middle ages: Aelia Eudocia Augusta

Octateuch in hexameters.
  1. Lady writers themes: The Brontë sisters who bankrupt the rules

  2. Gender roles as depicted by Maugham in Theatre

  3. Feminist utopias and dystopias: this is the woman's world!

  4. Female writers: themes explored in the 1910s and 2010s

  5. Female characters' virtues and vices in the 19th century

  6. Women of color: themes of violence, discrimination, empowerment

  7. A Doll'south House every bit seen past the contemporaries

  8. Is Ibsen'due south A Doll's Firm still relevant today?

  9. Beauty standards as women's oppression in The Bluest Heart

  10. The complexity of female parent-girl human relationship in Tony Morrison's Dear

Toni Morrison quote.
  1. The evolvement of masculinity from the medieval to postmodern literature

  2. Masculinity in The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway

  3. Masculinity, identity, and homosexuality in Tennessee Williams'southward works

  4. Gender roles in utopias and dystopias: More than and Huxley

  5. Sexuality and gender stereotypes in Williams'south A Streetcar Named Desire

  6. Charles Dickens'due south depiction of aging males and females

  7. Fairy stories as significant sources of gender stereotypes

💀 Death-Related Literature Essay Topics

  1. Decease in works of dying writers: Keats and Blake

  2. Decease in Milton's works: imagery and symbols

  3. Emily Dickinson's fascination with decay, degradation, and death

  4. John Keats's and William Shakespeare's depiction of death

  5. The Views on death in the Renaissance literature

  6. Murder and suicide in Shakespeare'southward tragedies: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet

  7. The depiction of death in the postmodernist literature

  8. Aging as seen in medieval, Renaissance, and postmodernist literature

  9. Death and decay in Oscar Wilde'due south Dorian Gray

  10. Honey, life, and death in Huxley'south dystopian gild

  11. Murder in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men

🏕 Literary Analysis Essay Topics: People and Nature

  1. Dehumanizing nature: Robinson Crusoe and Lord of the Flies

  2. Struggles with nature: Defoe'southward Crusoe and Paulsen's Hatchet

  3. Nature'southward wonders and dangers in Emily Dickenson's works

  4. Natural forces: from Homer to H. Grand. Wells

  5. Power of natural forces in William Shakespeare'southward Tempest

  6. The delineation of nature in Fears in Solitude by Coleridge

  7. William Wordsworth'southward poetic linguistic communication and symbols to describe nature

  8. Nature in Huxley's dystopia: urban and rural settings

  9. Nature in post-apocalyptic novels: decay and revival

⛪ Literary Essay Topics on Religion

  1. Religious influences: biblical themes and allusions in Beowulf

  2. Religion equally another burden in The Bluest Center

  3. Views on religious conventions in Milton's Paradise Lost

  4. Jonathan Swift's satirical view of religions in Gulliver'due south Travels

  5. The function of religion in Charles Dickens's works

  6. The evolvement of religious beliefs in Dryden'due south works

  7. Religious controversies as depicted in John Milton'due south Paradise Lost

  8. A spiritual journey in Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure

⚖️ Literary Analysis Topics: Justice and Judgment

  1. The Hunchback of Notre Dame: who was the monster?

  2. Justice and judgment in Lee'south To Kill a Mockingbird

  3. The office of judgment in Jane Austen's novels

  4. Judgement in Toni Morrison'southward God Assistance the Child

  5. A view of justice in John Milton'south Paradise Lost

  6. Justice in dystopian novels: works of Orwell and Huxley

  7. Sentence and guilt in Hawthorne'south The Scarlet Letter

👹 Literature Essay Topics on Good & Evil

  1. A dichotomy of good and evil in the heart ages

  2. Monsters and heroes in Beowulf: Beowulf, Hrothgar, Grendel

  3. Wilde'southward aesthetics: evil is not bad, ugly is worse

  4. John Milton's Satan: the good, the bad, and the beautiful

  5. Victorian literary tradition: societal norms and personal happiness

  6. Villains in the 19th-century and 20th-century literary works

  7. Adept and bad: Dr. Jekyll'due south and Mr. Hyde's case

⚔️ Literary Assay Essay Topics on War & Peace

  1. The depiction of war in Homer's Iliad and Shakespeare's plays

  2. The war betwixt archangels and demons in Paradise Lost

  3. A war in Brecht's Mother Backbone and Her Children

  4. War and peace in George Orwell'southward dystopian society

  5. Margaret Mitchell and Toni Morrison: views on the Civil War

  6. War as human nature in Faulkner'due south A Fable

  7. Steinbeck's exploration of injustice in The Grapes of Wrath

  8. Wrongs of the modern society in Palahniuk's Fight Guild

💢 Literary Essay Topics on Vices on the Lodge

  1. Thackeray: the culture of the 19th century equally Vanity Fair

  2. Dickens'due south perspectives concerning social injustice in Oliver Twist

  3. Ethnicity, discrimination, and identity in Orwell'due south Burmese Days

  4. Vices of totalitarian societies in George Orwell's 1984

  5. Injustice, torture, and dehumanization in Elie Wiesel's Nighttime

Many literary masterpieces are the interpretation of earlier works or even partial borrowing of themes, motifs, and devices. Finding the traces of original works in later on writings is fascinating. Here yous can find some ideas:

  1. Percy Bysshe Shelley'due south interpretation of the myth nearly Prometheus

  2. William Shakespeare'southward borrowings from ancient Greek writings and myths

  3. Myths as a source of inspiration for Byron and Keats

  4. Hellenism and Virginia Wolf's fascination with Greek literature

  5. James Joyce'due south interpretation and use of Homer's Odyssey

  6. Oscar Wilde's retelling of a biblical story: Salome

  7. John Milton'southward exploration and interpretation of a biblical story

Some tin find information technology easier to focus on particular authors and their works. Are you one of them? Here are possible topics for those who similar traditional approaches.

🇬🇧 English language Literature Essay Topics: Unlike Authors

🔴 Literary Analysis Essay Topics: Geoffrey Chaucer

  1. Chaucer's Works of the French and Italian periods

  2. Primary themes and motifs in Chaucer'south Troilus and Criseyde

  3. Women'south virtues as seen by Chaucer and his contemporaries

  4. Gender: conventions and innovations in Geoffrey Chaucer's works

  5. Chaucer's office in the development of a heroic couplet

  6. Chaucer's utilise of the vernacular language: dignity and nation

  7. Religious morals in Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

🔵 Literary Analysis Topics: Shakespeare

  1. The View on the crown in Shakespeare's Henry IV

  2. Sexuality, sensuality, and spirituality in William Shakespeare's sonnets

  3. Ambition in Hamlet and Macbeth: choices of males and females

  4. The use of disguise in William Shakespeare's plays

  5. Unlike faces of love in Shakespeare's sonnets and plays

  6. Advent as the most strong disguise in Shakespeare'due south plays

  7. The employ of satire in William Shakespeare's comedies and tragedies

  8. The line between acting and real life in Shakespeare'due south plays

  9. Parallels between Shakespeare'southward King Lear and Sophocles' Oedipus Rex

  10. The use of innuendo in Shakespeare's The Tempest

William Shakespeare, the Tempest.
  1. The complexity of the female character in Shakespeare'southward Antony and Cleopatra

  2. Archetypal female characters in Shakespeare'due south plays and sonnets

  3. William Shakespeare's authorship: fashion, vocabulary, themes, and dates

  4. The role of Shakespeare in the world literature

  5. The utilize of meter in William Shakespeare'due south plays

  6. The depiction of supernatural in William Shakespeare's plays

  7. The theme of ethnicity in William Shakespeare'southward Othello

  8. Personal identification in Shakespeare's Hamlet and Henry Iv

⚫ Literary Essay Topics on John Keats

  1. Dissimilar shapes of expiry in John Keats's works

  2. What was wrong with Keats's Otho the Great?

  3. Byron's influence on Keats'due south way and themes explored

  4. The uniqueness of John Keats' imagery and its origins

  5. Keats'southward letters and their influence on the English literature

⚪ Literature Essay Topics on Oscar Wilde

  1. An ideal married woman as depicted in Wilde's An Ideal Hubby

  2. The Picture of Dorian Gray every bit the aesthete's manifest

  3. Wilde'southward essential inspirations and the development of his views

  4. The Motion picture of Dorian Greyness: will beauty salve the world?

  5. Oscar Wilde'due south traits in his characters

  6. The Film of Dorian Gray: Lord Henry'southward morality or immorality

  7. Irony, sarcasm, and satire in Oscar Wilde'southward works

  8. Wilde's metaphors in The Ballad of Reading Gaol

  9. The Motion picture of Dorian Gray: was the fellow innocent?

  10. Conventions and innovations in Oscar Wilde'south fairy stories

  11. Oscar Wilde as the near celebrated principal of paradox

  12. Play on words in Oscar Wilde's major plays

🔳 George Orwell Literary Assay Essay Topics

  1. Orwell's imagery in the depiction of totalitarian regimes

  2. George Orwell'southward groundwork: inspirations for themes and symbols

  3. Orwell's views on the English language and literature

  4. The historical context of Orwell's dystopian novels

  5. The role of the media in Orwell'due south characters' lives

  6. The role of allusions in Orwell's 19 Eighty-Four

  7. Naturalism and imagery in The Road to Wigan Pier

  8. Why was Animal Farm regarded as controversial in the 1950s?

  9. Orwell'southward religious views in "Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool"

  10. Winston Smith's journey to freedom in Orwell's 1984

Some people may feel suffocated within the boundaries of one personality so they might clarify genres.

  1. The evolvement of horror fiction: from Shelley to King

  2. The place of fantasy in the modern literature

  3. Why accept fantasy novels gained such popularity today?

  4. Fantasy novels past Tolkien and Martin: styles, imagery, themes

  5. The major elements of modern fantasy novels and stories

  6. The origins of the gimmicky fantasy fiction and earliest works

  7. The evolution of adventure elements: Homer and Fleming

  8. Horror fiction: Stocker's Dracula and Shelley's Frankenstein

  9. Theologus Autodidactus as an case of scientific discipline fiction

Describing Theologus Autodidactus.
Source: Fancy, Nahyan A. M. (2006). "Pulmonary Transit and Bodily Resurrection: The Interaction of Medicine, Philosophy and Organized religion in the Works of Ibn al-Nafīs (d. 1288)"
  1. Merging scientific and poetic worlds in science fiction poetry

  2. Comparison tragicomedies of ancient Greece and 20th-century Europe

  3. Significant features of tragicomedy in postmodernist and metamodernist writings

  4. Main components of a coming-of-age novel: female and male perspectives

  5. Elements of the coming-of-age novel in London's Martin Eden

  6. Satire in the contemporary British and American literature

  7. Satire or cynic humor: exploring Bierce'southward The Devil's Dictionary

  8. Literary devices in naturalistic writing: Emile Zola's arroyo

  9. Elements of antinovel in Laurence Sterne'due south Tristram Shandy

  10. Early examples of curt stories: Charles Dickens's style

  11. Timeframes and symbols in Jonathan Nolan'south "Memento Mori"

Fact about
  1. Dystopias in the literature of the 20th and 21st centuries

  2. Coming-of-age novel or American dream novel: The Great Gatsby

  3. The part of teaching and the media in dystopias

  4. Law-breaking fiction: is it lurid reading or high literature?

  5. The suspense in Agatha Christies' and Conan Doyle's writings

  6. The vampire in the 19th-century and 21st-century literature

Practice you recall analyzing literary devices is ho-hum? Try these themes:

  1. Allegory and choice of animals in Orwell'southward Animal Subcontract

  2. Apologue and meanings in Faulkner's A Rose for Emily

  3. Multiculturalism and allusions in Toni Morrison's Vocal of Solomon

  1. Faulkner's metaphors in The Sound and the Fury

  2. The imagery in Edgar Alan Poe's famous poem The Raven

  3. Music and enigma in The Raven by Poe

  4. The role of personification in William Blake's poesy

  5. Comparing ancient Greek and William Shakespeare's iambic parameter

  6. The role of trochaic meter in Shakespeare's works

  7. Symbolism and imagery in William Blake'south poem "Ah Sunflower"

  8. Symbols and metaphors in The Moving-picture show of Dorian Gray

  9. Symbols in D. H. Lawrence Aroma of Chrysanthemums

  10. Color as a symbol of Morrison'south God Assistance the Child

  11. Symbolism in Guin'south "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas"

  12. Satire in Absalom and Achitophel by John Dryden

Quote by John Dryden:

It can be fascinating to explore the ways writers tell their stories and make readers engaged.

  1. Jane Austen's grapheme traits in the narrator: Persuasion

  2. Early forms of the stream of consciousness: Jane Austen's style

  3. Epistolary novels: works by Bram Stocker and Merry Shelley

  4. Slave'due south narrative in Toni Morrison's Vocal of Solomon

  5. Peculiarities of addressing the reader in Shakespeare's sonnets

  6. Virginia Wolf's stream of consciousness: narration or confession?

  7. The narrator in Somerset Maugham'due south Of Man Bondage

  8. Authorial intrusion equally a way to entice readers

This listing is endless equally yous can look at literary works and writers from different angles. You tin focus on social, political, cultural, and other contexts that affected the cosmos or farther life of literary works. It is vital to choose the topic that will interest you. Choose wisely and have a lot of fun!

Further reading:

🔗 References


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